Favorite Quotations May Sarton I Knew a Phoenix

"What is there to do when people die -- people so dear and rare -- but bring them back by remembering." ~ May Sarton

My business is the analysis of feeling.

We are real friends now because we have been able to share some painful experiences in our private lives.

Though friendship is not quick to burn, It is explosive stuff.

The mirror tells only the facts, never the poetry.

In the country of pain we are each alone. ~ "Country of Pain"

One must think like a hero to behave like a merely decent human being.

The great flow from the unconscious to the conscious is the great thing about solitude.

Life comes in clusters, clusters of solitude, then a cluster when there is hardly time to breathe.~ Journal of a Solitude

It is dark now. The snow is deep blue and the ocean nearly black. It is time for some music.

It always comes to the same necessity: go deep enough and there is a bedrock of truth, however hard.

I have a great responsibility because I can afford to be honest.

The gift turned inward, unable to be given, becomes a heavy burden, even sometimes a kind of poison. It is as though the flow of life were backed up. ~ For Writers Only