Favorite Quotations ~  Poetry, 2 Focal Point

"And all poets love dust and mist because all the last answers/Go running back to dust and mist."~ Carl Sandburg

My Asheville sunrise, July 4, 2006

A poem is the realization of love. ~ Rene Char

Poetry is like a bird, it ignores all frontiers. ~ Yevgeny Yevtushenko

Poetry is a mixture of common sense, which not all have, with an uncommon sense, which very few have. ~ John Masefield

The poets are almost always wrong about the facts. That's because they're not interested in the facts, only the truth. ~ William Faulkner

I like poems you can tack all over with a hammer and there are no hollow places. ~ John Ashbery

The poet is the priest of the invisible. ~ Wallace Stevens

Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does. ~ Allen Ginsberg

A poem is never finished, only abandoned. ~ Paul Valéry

Poetry is an orphan of silence. The words never quite equal the experience behind them. ~ Charles Simic

The poet's first job of work is to put bread on the table. ~ Yvor Winters

Poetry, like dreams, will eventually break through every person's consciousness, even the tightest iconoclast's. ~ Sheila Bender

Any healthy man can go without food for two days but not without poetry. ~ Charles Baudelaire

Poetry is a means of redemption. ~ Wallace Stevens

A good poem is a contribution to reality. The world is never the same once a good poem has been added to it. A good poem helps to change the shape and significance of the universe, helps to extend everyone's knowledge of himself and the world around him. ~ Dylan Thomas

A poem begins in delight and ends in wisdom. ~ Robert Frost

A poem is a naked person. ~ Bob Dylan

A poem is like a wineglass in which you can hold up a little bit of reality and taste it. ~ Gwen Harwood

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