Widgets Passionate Colors Newsletter ~  #50 ~ Relief Natural Relief for Anxiety

Laughter is the tonic, the relief, and the surcease for pain." ~ Charlie Chaplin

All God's Angels Come to Us

What a relief to be able to laugh after so much recent fear and stress. Now that suspects have been arrested, Beltway communities can rest easier about random .223 bullets traveling at 1200 MPH velocity.

AND I can finally turn off CNN. Ahh!

My favorite interview was with Ron Lancz, the Kentucky trucker who spotted the (alleged) snipers’ 1990 Chevy Caprice at a rest stop and called the police. He then blocked the exit with his truck to prevent a getaway.

With his charming, heavy southern accent, Lancz told a CNN reporter that he wasn’t a hero, just did what was right. When asked about the $500,000 reward, he said, “I’d give it to the families of the victims… Well, half, anyway."

"You know a thing by its opposite corollary; hot by having experienced cold; good, by having decided what is bad; love by hate." ~ Sylvia Plath

According to Tao philosophy, yin and yang are the two forces that underlie everything in the universe. They are opposite, yet exist in a delicate balance... mutually dependent, but complementary in their interaction.

Failure helps us to experience success. There is pain so we can know peace. And death helps us to celebrate life. You need both sides of the corollary to maintain balance and experience that wonderful sigh of relief.

As the legendary Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu wrote, "Hold on to the center and make up your mind to rejoice in this paradise called life."

Rejoice… and have a great weekend!
My Favorite BooksLeialoha

Celebrate life! | Determination